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AAR Core Level Seminar Programme 2024: How to Win Pitches With Behavioural Science and AI with Jennifer Clinehens

Via Zoom video conference


In the high-stakes world of pitching and presenting, ideas alone aren’t enough to win. Success hinges on crafting a compelling story that is memorable—both in the moment and long after the big pitch meeting ends. It’s not just about telling a great story; it’s about making sure your client remembers your ideas when they’re making decisions and building consensus with their leadership and colleagues. 

But our brains aren’t always logical when it comes to making decisions - and clients are no exception. In fact, group decision making - like the kind that happens during pitch time - can be even more complex than consumer decision making in a shop. That’s where behavioural science and AI come in. 

This session will dive deep into the science of memory, emotion, and decision making to transform how you pitch. We’ll uncover why certain ideas stick and others fade (with specific case studies), how to strategically use storytelling, and how to apply science-based frameworks to create pitches that are not only persuasive but unforgettable.

You’ll leave this session with practical tools, pragmatic frameworks, and actionable insights to make your pitches stand out, resonate, and ultimately, win more business using AI and behavioural science principles. 

Seminar overview

The Science of Winning Pitches

  • Introduction to the science of memorable and persuasive pitching
  • The psychology of memory and decision-making in business environments
  • Why behavioural science matters in pitching (and how to harness it)

A Simple Behavioural Science-Based Framework for Crafting Pitches

  • The importance of slogans, visuals, and the critical role of symbols
  • Packaging your idea in a Simple, Salient, and Soulful wrapper
  • Neuroscience tips for cohesive, memorable storytelling

Scientific Slidecraft

  • Using predictive AI in Slidecraft and its role in creating memorable presentations
  • The power of simple slides and where to use them 
  • How to present complex ideas, plans, and data without overwhelming your audience 


Mastering the art and science of memorable pitching will help you and your agency create:

  • Increased pitch success: Using behavioural science and AI to craft your pitches will help you package ideas that resonate with decision makers and speaks to the deepest, most instinctual parts of their brains.
  • Greater internal buy-in: Crafting memorable pitches for clients will make their jobs easier when they begin the process of building buy-in and consensus for your ideas. 
  • Less frustration and a less stressful pitch process: Having a pitch production framework rooted in behavioural science and using predictive AI will help you get from idea to finished deck faster, with less pain and fewer sleepless nights. 

Who should attend?

Anyone responsible for crafting and delivering pitches that need to leave a lasting impression with clients. Whether you’re a creative director, strategist, account manager, business development lead or similar agency leader, this course will equip you with science backed techniques to make your pitches more memorable and persuasive.

About the presenter

Jennifer Clinehens (founder of Choice Hacking) is a customer experience strategist whose expertise lies in applying behavioural science, psychology, and AI to craft persuasive communications. She has a long history of work both the agency and client side of marketing as a Sr. Brand Manager at AT&T in the US, as well as 8 years in agencies across Australia and the UK in senior roles. Jennifer holds an MBA from Emory University and a Masters degree in Creative Brand Management and Advertising from the VCU Brandcenter.

Running this session online

We will be running one session only from 10am to 12.30pm on Wednesday 18 September 2024 via Zoom. If you or a colleague would like to participate, please do email us with name, job title, agency and email address on and we’ll be sure to send you the Zoom conference details. We cannot process bookings without those details!

NB: AAR seminars are exclusive to AAR subscribing agencies only. A maximum of FIVE places per agency for our remote sessions, please.

Bookings will open on Tuesday 27 August 2024.

Event Information

Via Zoom video conference
10:00AM - 12:30PM
Free to AAR subscribers

All AAR Seminars are CPD accredited

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