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AAR Core Level Seminar Programme - Engaging & influencing with storytelling with Trenton Moss

Via Zoom video conference


When it comes to storytelling, many of us simply don’t know where to start. Yet you can create stories out of even the most mundane experiences.

Listening to stories affects our brains in a way that regular conversation doesn’t even come close to. When people hear your stories, the neural activity in their brains can increase by up to 5 times. Our brains are literally hardwired to enjoy and remember stories.

So, when you need client sign-off, when you want to influence clients, when you want to stand out in a pitch, telling stories can massively help. You’ll be able to explain yourself in a way that excites and inspires them.

And once you become skilled at business storytelling, you’ll build rapport and influence clients more easily. You’ll be more likely to get the outcome you want with clients.

Seminar overview

This storytelling workshop is interactive from start to finish. Strictly no lectures and no slides. Learn from each other and the ideas you generate. During the workshop, you’ll learn to:

  • Use the DRAMA framework to create compelling stories out of everyday mundane experiences
  • Apply a solid story structure for business storytelling (based on the Hero’s Journey)
  • Use techniques to make your story interesting and persuasive
  • Build up a bank of stories to use in any client interaction

Ultimately, you’ll learn to tell stories in an engaging way, getting clients to buy-in to your deliverables, ideas and suggestions.


The main outcomes include learning how to:

  1. Source stories from your day-to-day experiences
  2. Work out the key content to go into your stories (the “ingredients”)
  3. Craft your stories around a structure that engages people and takes them on the journey with you
  4. Take your storytelling up a level so it engages and persuades clients

Who should attend?

Anyone who interacts with anyone else!

About the presenter

Trenton spends his days running a client leadership programme. It supercharges teams with emotional intelligence and people skills.

His programme increases client revenue by up to 35% and team skills by 47%.

He knows the agency world inside-out - he ran his own agency for 15 years until it was acquired and he exited.

Trenton is also a published author. You can buy his bestselling book, ‘Human Powered’ on Amazon and most other book websites.

In 2023, he took his kids out of school and went backpacking in Asia and Africa. He survived going hunting with tribesmen in Tanzania, having paint thrown at him in India and being chased by leeches in Borneo. Most importantly, he survived being with his family 24-7 for 6 months.

Running this session online

We will be running one session only from 10am to 12.30pm on Wednesday 20 November 2024 via Zoom. If you or a colleague would like to participate, please do email us with name, job title, agency and email address  on and we’ll be sure to send you the Zoom conference details. We cannot process bookings without those details!

NB: AAR seminars are exclusive to AAR subscribing agencies only. A maximum of FIVE places per agency for our remote sessions, please.

Event Information

Via Zoom video conference
10:00AM - 12:30PM
Free to AAR subscribers

All AAR Seminars are CPD accredited

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