
Below is a collection of all our best resources, available for you to download

Best Practice guidance notes

Addressing Silos in the Age of Privacy - Questions for Brands to ask of their Agencies and Ecosystems

The age of privacy is an invitation to think differently about data, but we need cross-discipline colloboration and the break down of silos to seize this opportunity. To open up a dialogue between clients and agencies on data privacy, this resource outlines starter questions to get the conversation going.

Setting up for success - New agency

A practical guide to onboarding new agency operations to set up the most successful relationships that flourish within your marketing ecosystem. Relevant for all clients, models and disciplines. Start "Setting up for success" today.

Setting up for success - First 10 days

To set up your new agency partnership for long-term success, we've created a series of simple onboarding checklists. This PDF focuses on the first 10 days of your new agency relationship, and will give you the tools needed for a successful (and speedy) onboarding process. 

Setting up for success - First 30 days

The third in our "Setting up for success" series, this simple onboarding checklist focuses on the first 30 days of your new agency relationship. Whether this is new territory or just a helpful reminder, our checklists will give you the tools needed for a successful onboarding process.

Setting up for success - First 100 days

The final checklist in our "Setting up for success" series, this focuses on the first 100 days of your working relationship with your new agency. Whether this is your first time embedding a new agency or if you simply need a reminder, this guide will give you the tools needed for a successful and swift onboarding process.

Update on Media Pitching

The media pitch principles initiative and creation of the Standard Information Template.

The Good Pitch: Six Pitch Principles

The six principles of best practice in creative pitching, endorsed by ISBA and IPA.

The Good Pitch: Six Media Pitch Principles

The six principles of best practice in media pitching, endorsed by ISBA and IPA

IPA Alliances Adaptathon: ‘Setting up the Relationship’

The first of stage of the IPA’s ADAPT initiative on fostering better commercial creativity, helping you establish more effective partnerships right from the start.


Working with Agencies: How to be a Smart Client

Joint industry pitch guidelines

Comprehensive guidelines on best practice in agency pitching, endorsed by ISBA, IPA, CIPS, MCCA and PRCA

Pitch assistance documents

Media Standard Information Template

A standardised template for media agency information to help you to compare and contrast

Evolution of the pitch process

Some alternative ideas to consider when you are planning your pitch process.

Parting with your agency

Some things to think about when you are ending your relationship with an agency partner.

Writing a pitch brief

Some things to think about when you are writing a brief for your agency pitch

#AARthinks & useful stuff

Pulse Half Year Report 2024

Reflections on H1 and a look ahead to the second half of 2024 for the agency community.

AAR Pulse for Marketers and Agencies 2024

Our perspective on the many challenges 2023 presented for marketers and agencies, and a look ahead to 2024 from our vantage point at the intersection of where brands and agencies meet.

No Bullsh*t Leadership with Chris Hirst

Forget everything you’ve ever been taught about leadership: the need to be a tough boss, snake oil ‘shortcuts’ to success and tired cliches about ‘leading from the front’. It’s bullsh*t. 

The truth is when developing leadership skills, there is no secret formula or set path to follow. From those who manage one person to heads of entire departments, everyday leaders are all around us and good leadership can unlock the potential in us all.

This is the straightforward, uncomplicated belief set out by Chris Hirst in his bestselling book, No Bullsh*t Leadership. AAR has partnered with Chris to adapt the book into an e-learning programme with online classrooms, specifically designed to create more everyday leaders.

Agency investment in Marketing and New Business 2024


AAR Pulse for Marketers 2023

Our perspective on the many challenges 2022 presented for marketers, and a look ahead to 2023 from our vantage point at the intersection of where brands and agencies meet.

AAR Pulse for Agencies 2023

A review of the past year and our perspective on what comes next for agency leaders and new business colleagues.

Helping Your Business Grow: Working with AAR 2023

We advise agencies on how to maximise conversion of new business opportunities and give you the insight to structure and upskill internally to meet these demands, and ultimately help you retain and grow business.

AAR Pulse for Agencies 2022

A review of the past year and our perspective on what comes next for agency leaders and new business colleagues.

Helping Your Business Grow: Working with AAR 2022

We advise agencies on how to maximise conversion of new business opportunities and give you the insight to structure and upskill internally to meet these demands, and ultimately help you retain and grow business.

AAR Pulse For Agencies 2021

A review of the past year and our perspective on what comes next. 

Helping Your Business Grow Working With AAR 2021

We advise agencies on how to maximise conversion of new business opportunities and give you the insight to structure and upskill internally to meet these demands, and ultimately help you retain and grow business.

AAR Inspiring Business Manifesto 2 July 2020

We believe in Creative Capital. View our three client facing practices which help brand owners to unlock Creative Capital in their marketing ecosystem.

AAR Inspiring Business Manifesto 1

We believe in Creative Capital. View our three client facing practices which help brand owners to unlock Creative Capital in their marketing ecosystem.

AAR Agency Hourly Rates Data All Data Summary 2018-2019

AAR Pulse 2020 For Agencies

A review of 2019 in terms of the new business market and trends throughout the marketing communications industry.

Working With AAR Subscribers 2020

The essential guide to working with AAR for our subscribing agencies.

Working With AAR Agencies 2020

The latest guide to working with AAR for the agency community.

AAR Investment Survey Findings

Here are the results from our winter 2018 survey of the agency market on investment in new business and marketing.

AAR Pulse for Agencies 2019

A review of 2018 and some useful perspectives and insights for the coming year for an agency audience.

Working With AAR Subscribers 2019

The latest guide to getting the most out of your AAR subscription for our member agencies.

Working With AAR Agencies 2019

The latest guide to working with AAR for agencies.

AAR Pulse 2019 Marketers

A review of the last year and some useful perspectives on the coming one for marketers.

AAR Agency Pulse 2018

A review of 2017 and some useful perspectives and insights for the coming year for an agency audience.

AAR Client Pulse 2018

A review of the last year and some useful perspectives on the coming one for marketers.

Working With AAR 2018 A Guide For Agencies

An introduction guide for agencies interested in working with AAR.

Working With AAR Subscribers 2018

The ultimate guide to getting the most out of your relationship with AAR. An essential for all subscribing agencies!

AAR Agency Pulse 2017

AAR research, perspectives, best practice and a review of the last 12 months.

AAR Client Pulse 2017

AAR research, perspectives, best practice and a review of the last 12 months.

Senior Client And Agency Leaders Research 2016

AAR research among senior marketers and agency leaders to examine the issues and trends in our industry.

Agency Hourly Rates Data 2016

Agency Hourly Rates Data 2016 – Headlines and Highlights.

AAR Pulse for Clients 2016

A review of the last year and a look ahead to the coming 12 months.

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